30 Jun-2 Jul 2022 Marseille (France)

Submission Guideline and calendar

Please observe the following guidelines for paper/panel proposals:


Languages of the conference:

English, French


Individual abstracts 

300 words + 5 line-bio including affiliation + 5 key words


Panel abstracts

Proposals for panels will be welcome as well as interventions crossing the research of a specialist of the Balkan area with that of a researcher working in/on other regions of the world.

500 words + 5 line-bio including affiliation + 5 key words



Closing date for submission: January 7, 2022

Answers: February 18 , 2022



Abstracts should be submitted via the dedicated page on this website.

Unfortunately, we cannot take charge of any transport or accommodation fees for the participants. Some demands can however be addressed to the organization committee, which will decide according to the budget. 

There is no participation fee required to attend the conference.


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